Rainy Jain

About Me


I am a third year student pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal.I am a computer science enthusiast and mostly do competitive programming on Online Judges like SPOJ and HackerEarth


Done my primary and higher secondary schooling from Cramel Convent Senior Secondary School,Bhopal
Class X : CGPA 10
Class XII : 95% with highest marks in Maths and Physical Education and a letter of appreciation from MHRD Ministry, India.


Experienced in C++, Python, C, Javascipt, HTMl, Angular Node.JS Framework, Ionic Framework, Android, Django Framework, NoSQL ,Firebase
Familiar with JAVA, Ruby, AWS, Facebook and Twitter API's


Trying to find intersection of mathematics and algorithms,reading random articles,travelling and eating pretty much sums up my life.



Ionic App

March 2017 to Present

Designed Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm of SVM and K-means to predict election results of MP State Election Comission

January 2017 - May 2017

Reseach Paper on Comparitive Analysis of Prime Sieves in Parallel Computing

Presented Reseach Paper on Comparitive Analysis of Prime Sieves in Parallel Computing in ICGCET

January 2017 - May 2017

Attendance Management System

Attendance Management System

May 2016 - July 2016

Notepad Application

Notepad Application

February 2016

Diff C++

Diff C++

December 2015


Airtel logo

Airtel Hackathon

May 2017

Participated in Airtel Hackathon

ICICI logo

ICICI Hackathon

March 2017 - May 2017

Participated in ICICI Hackathon

MAD logo

Make a Difference, Bhopal

August 2015 - March 2016

Ed-support intern

Internshala Logo

Internshala Student Partner

August 2016 - December 2016

Internshala Student Partner

Chimera Logo

Chimera Finalist

February 2015

Participated in Chimera, a national level event hosted by ISTE,Manit and made it to the final round.

Cognizance Logo

Cognizance Student Partner

November 2014 - March 2015

Cognizance Student Partner